The oldest Chinese star chart (Around AD626 to 649 )
Moon's Path Chart on the grid paper :『格子月進図』

    Moon’s path chart[格子月進図] is a star chart of Tuchimikado [土御門], and it is a copy of the original drawing by Y. ABE [安倍泰世] around the first year of Bunpo[文保] (1317). In addition, it is described as "moon grid figure" in the note of the book (1215) of the transcription of the old document of the constellation "Sankebosan" [三家簿讃], and it is said that the original drawing existed by this time. Moon’s path chart[格子月進図] was discovered by Susumu Imoto during the 2nd world war, but it was destroyed by air raids (1945) during the exhibition at Yurakucho Tonichi Kaikan[有楽町東日会館]. Luckily, there are still photos taken before the fire and a restored version of chart has been published by E. Sasaki (1984). Moon’s path chart[格子月進図] consisted of a circular diagram of the northern sky and a square diagram of the mid latitude. The square star chart was drawn on a sheet of 1degree interval grid. The constellations were drawn in three colors of yellow, red and black according to the three family’s classification.The original chart of Moon's path chart was drawn during period of Taizong(唐・大宗,AD626 to 649).Please refer to the following study paper for the dating of old chinese star charts.

    [Study papers]
    Study for the Dating of the Old Chinese Star Charts
    : The oldest star chart "Moon’s path chart in grid paper"[格子月進図] that
    conveys the image of the constellation at the beginning of Tang[初唐]
    (Thid document is English translation version from the paper isuued on November 2017
    The star catalog of Moon's path chart ver.1.pdf

Japanese version

    [Dating the star catalog used for chart by least squares metnod]
    As shown in its name, Moon's path chart has a 1 degree grid, so you can write the information of the star catalog as it is. In the calculation results of following Table, the residuals are also small. The estimated date of the observation of the star catalog is 417 ± 18 years [90% confidence interval] by the estimation of the 28 xiu star's Declination value. Since the star is drawn avoiding the line of xiu, the width of xiu is not a reading from the star map, but it is written outside the star chart frame. Estimated date by using 1346 mid latitude stars is AD397 ± 22.7 years. It also overlaps with the above estimates dates. Therefore, it is certain from the verification by this least square method that the original drawing of Moon's path chart was drawn by the star catalog observed around AD400.

    The caluculation results by the least squares method
    宿 Xiu HR Name Xiu Width
    Dec. 1346
    Jiao 5056 67α Vir 12.00 93.00 -1.5 -
    Kang 5315 98κ Vir 9.00 90.50 1.0 -
    Di 5531 9α2 Lib 16.00 97.25 -5.7 -
    Fang 5944 6π Sco 5.00 109.00 -17.2 -
    Xin 6084 20σ Sco 5.00 110.00 -18.2 -
    Wei 6247 μ1 Sco 18.00 123.00 -31.0 -
    Ji 6746 10γ2 Sgr 11.00 120.00 -28.0 -
    Dou 7039 27φ Sgr 26.00 117.00 -25.1 -
    Niu 7776 9β Cap 8.00 108.75 -17.0 -
    Nu 7950 2ε Aqr 12.00 105.50 -13.8 -
    Xu 8232 22β Aqr 10.00 101.00 -9.3 -
    Wei 8414 34α Aqr 17.00 98.50 -6.9 -
    Shi 8781 54α Peg 16.00 83.25 8.1 -
    Bi 39 88γ Peg 9.00 82.75 8.6 -
    Kui 215 34ζ And 16.00 71.25 19.9 -
    Lou 553 6β Ari 12.00 76.00 15.2 -
    Wei 801 35 Ari 14.00 71.00 20.2 -
    Mao 1142 17(b) Tau 11.00 72.00 19.2 -
    Bi 1409 74ε Tau 16.00 75.00 16.2 -
    Zui 1876 37φ1 Ori 1.00 83.00 8.4 -
    Shen 1852 34δ Ori 10.00 92.50 -1.0 -
    Jing 2286 13μ Gem 33.00 68.00 23.1 -
    Gui 3357 31θ Cnc 3.00 67.00 24.1 -
    Liu 3410 4δ Hya 15.00 81.00 10.3 -
    Xing 3748 30α Hya 7.00 95.00 -3.4 -
    Zhang 3903 39υ1 Hya 19.00 100.75 -9.1 -
    Yi 4287 7α Crt 18.00 101.00 -9.3 -
    Zhen 4662 4γ Crv 17.00 98.00 -6.4 -
    中心年 Year Center - - AD464 - AD417 AD397
    偏差 Deviation - - 168.5 - 57.7 22.7
    90%区間 90% Interval - - 52.2 - 17.9 -
    残差 Residual error - - 0.7592 - 1.207 3.1233
    定数項 Constant - - - - -1.58 -1.36
    Note: Xiu width is Chinese degree (Total 366 degree, not 365.25degree) and degree (max 183 degree) from the north pole.

    [The Star chart display for Moon’s path chart and Kitora Astronomical Diagram]
    Chart to be displayedYear to be displayed  
    Since the star map is displayed at first in reduced size, please click on the star chart with a mouse once.

    [Photo copy of Moon's Path Chart]
    Northen Sky
    Eastern Sky Western Sky
    [Magazine "Bessats Taiyou" 別冊 太陽 No.73(1991) page38-39]

    [Restored Version(without Grid)]
    [From restored version of chart published by E. Sasaki (1984)]

2019/05/19:Relation chart and Star catalog are added.